Saturday, June 8, 2024
2024 Sparta Butterfest Cornhole Tournament
Cost: $20 per 2 Person Team
When: Registration & Check-In 11:00 am - Bags fly at 12:00 pm
Where: Fest Tent, Butterfest Grounds 1000 E Montgomery St., Sparta, WI
Register Here: https://share.scoreholio.com/eRTwmX9TGIb
(Download Scoreholio App on your phone/smart device)
Other Info:
Double Elimination Tournament
Buttons required to Play *$3 Before Thursday - $5 After*
Buttons are available at local Businesses or at the gate day of.
21+ Unless accompanied by a Parent. Register Here: https://share.scoreholio.com/eRTwmX9TGIb (Download Scoreholio App on your phone/smart device)
Registration 11am
Bags fly at12pm
Fest Tent
Sparta Festival Grounds are located at Memorial Park on the corner of Rusk Avenue and Montgomery Street.
NOTE: Bringing dogs or pets on Fest Grounds is strongly discouraged. You will be responsible for any injury or damages related to your pet on the fest grounds.