1st Annual Sparta Butterfest Dart Tournament
Sign in at fest tent 11:00
Start throwing at Noon
Tournament Entry $10.00 • LOD Tournament • $1 Fee Per Game
501 Stacked, Cricket Race to 3 on winner's side and race to 2 on losers side
50-50 Drawing 50% to ticket holder
50% to payout pot
150% payback
Butterfest Button required to enter the tent for the tournament. $3 in advance, $5 at the gate.
Any age welcome • Parent must be present for anyone younger than 21.
Registration 11am
Throw at12pm
Fest Tent
Sparta Festival Grounds are located at Memorial Park on the corner of Rusk Avenue and Montgomery Street.
NOTE: Bringing dogs or pets on Fest Grounds is strongly discouraged. You will be responsible for any injury or damages related to your pet on the fest grounds.